Advertise in the APCA Newsletter
Get your company information seen by over 6000 people in Regina for an affordable price!
Our community newsletter (8.5 x 11, full colour, 8-12 pages) is distributed twice annually to over 6000 homes and business throughout Albert Park.
Newsletter ads are subject to APCA board approval.
APCA reserves the right to select advertisements that support our community needs.
Costs for available advertising sizes per newsletter issue:
- Business card – $175.00
- Quarter Page – $300.00
- Half Page – $600.00
- Full Page – $1000.00
- May accept other dimension specs upon special request.
Be sure to include the following information when making an ad request:
- Company Name
- Contact Name
- Company address for invoicing purposes
- Ad Size
- Payment type (Cheque or Online)
- If possible a PDF version of the ad you would like us to print in the newsletter
Deadline for submissions November 1st (Winter Newsletter) and July 1st (Fall Newsletter).
Payment options:
Once your advertisement has been approved to appear in the newsletter, you have the below available payment options. Please provide a “bill to” name and address for invoicing and receipt purposes. Please Note: Your ad will not appear in the newsletter until full payment has been received.
Pay by Cheque
Make cheques payable to Albert Park Community Association (APCA)
Box 37101 Landmark Postal Station
Regina, SK, S4S 7G7
If the cheque is not received by 1st of Aug./Dec. your ad will not be published. - Pay Online
Go to our online advertising payment page to pay for your ad today!